
Sunday, May 3, 2020

[NEWS]: BTOB Yook Sungjae Announces Enlistment Date for Military Duty!

Photo credit to Google

Idol-Actor Yook Sungjae announces in his social media that he will be enlisting in military this coming 11th of May. It is confirmed by his agency Cube Entertainment to NEWSEN this afternoon of 3rd of May.

"Hello, this is Sungjae.

Firstly, To all the Melodies who wished me Happy Birthday, thank you very much! (I've looked up sns, birthday advertisement, event etc.!!^^)

After thinking about how should I bring this up, too far from too deep a concern and a thought, even if it's just a little, it seems that it's only right for me to tell you all personally, so I've uploaded this post.

This may come as a shock to many, but I've decided to enlist from 11th May onwards! Though there will be many left in shock and worry at this sudden information, Melodies who have been showing me only love, I think I may be able to receive love wherever I go and live on bravely! As I have such confidence, don't worry at all!!! I think I'll be able to return comfortably in my heart! heh Though there will be a period of inactivity that can't be helped, following the enlistment of BTOB members consecutively, as our Melodies will wait for us, us BTOB will dream more of the day we meet again and gain strenght!!

Though there are not many days left, before leaving, to communicate with Melodies, be it live broadcast, and our older brothers discharging soon, Mystic Pop-up Bar has been scheduled to be broadcasted soon, if you all bear it and wait for a little while more, soon the spring day BTOB and Melodies be together will come!!

Even till now, I've always been thankful, and I ask for more support in the future too!! Till the day where I come back with a more cooler look, I wish all of you healthy and happy days ahead. 6Sungjae"

Cube Entertainment also said that, Yook Sungjae want a quiet enlistment, venue and timing will not be revealed.


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