
Thursday, September 14, 2017

When The Death Comes!

Megan & Bokjoo

Canine Distemper - is an illness for dogs that still don't have an accurate cure. We didn't know that illness is existing.

It's been a month since the both of you left us and I'd still misses the two of you everyday. I cried every night and blaming myself for not taking extra, extra care for the both of you. We didn't know that there's been an epidemic to dogs these past few months. When we lost Bokjoo, I feel like my daily lives will never be the same. The house became quiet. There's no Bokjoo who always greet you first when you woke up in the morning. Who always meet you at your doorstep whenever you come home. Who always sleep beside you. Who always want to carry by you. And then after 1 week of Bokjoo's death, her mother, Megan, died with the same illness. When we lost Megan, our world crumbles. The house became more quiet. Megan is like my second sister (next to poknat - our another dog). She's like her daughter, Bokjoo. They have so much similarities even though not physical appearance. They're both sweet and lovable. Very playful. Very smart. And both have unique thinking.

It's so sad and heartbreaking when we lost them in just 1 month. We're still trying to move on from the loss but it's so hard to. When they died, I feel again the lost of courage just like when my Grandmother died 2 years ago. Megan and Bokjoo are not just like a pet to us. The day they came to us, they became a member of our family. They became my siblings and my babies at the same time.

I hope that I can turn back the time. The time when they are still here with us. The time when they came to us. The time when I can still play with them.
Those memories...
Those memories of them that I will cherish forever. I still misses the both you and we'll forever misses you.

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